Tag Archives: living

Feel the Burn!

Design GC Gym

Spring has finally sprung, and the residents of Griddle Creek are in the gym working on their summer bodies. Being healthy is really the main goal of most of the gym members, there are not many professional bodybuilders in Griddle Creek.

What to do: Are you feeling a little sluggish after your trip to the Sunnyside Diner? Stop by the Griddle Creek Gym and work some of those calories off.

Where to do it: The Griddle Creek Gym is very accommodating to travelers. Be sure to stop in and get a day pass. They are open 7 days per week. Enjoy the latest in workout equipment or try one of the several fitness classes offered.

Inside tip: The best time to get a workout in is after 8 o’clock in the morning because most of the locals will have left for work. The best time to people watch is in the evening, you never know what characters will show up.


Brought to you by the Griddle Creek Board of Tourism.